Reproject Raster Data in R


Leah A. Wasser, Megan A. Jones, Zack Brym, Kristina Riemer, Jason Williams, Jeff Hollister, Mike Smorul, Joseph Stachelek


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What to do when rasters don’t line up.

  • Be able to reproject a raster in R.

Things You’ll Need To Complete This Tutorial

R Skill Level: Intermediate - you’ve got the basics of R down. You will need the most current version of R and, preferably, RStudio loaded on your computer to complete this tutorial.

Install R Packages

Data to Download

Additional Resources

Sometimes we encounter raster datasets that do not “line up” when plotted or analyzed. Rasters that don’t line up are most often in different Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS).

This tutorial explains how to deal with rasters in different, known CRSs. It will walk though reprojecting rasters in R using the projectRaster() function in the raster package.

Raster Projection in R

In the Plot Raster Data in R tutorial, we learned how to layer a raster file on top of a hillshade for a nice looking basemap. In this tutorial, all of our data were in the same CRS. What happens when things don’t line up?

We will use the raster and rgdal packages in this tutorial.

# load raster package
Loading required package: sp
rgdal: version: 1.2-8, (SVN revision 663)
 Geospatial Data Abstraction Library extensions to R successfully loaded
 Loaded GDAL runtime: GDAL 2.2.1, released 2017/06/23
 Path to GDAL shared files: /usr/share/gdal/2.2
 Loaded PROJ.4 runtime: Rel. 4.9.2, 08 September 2015, [PJ_VERSION: 492]
 Path to PROJ.4 shared files: (autodetected)
 Linking to sp version: 1.2-5 

Let’s create a map of the Harvard Forest Digital Terrain Model (DTM_HARV) draped or layered on top of the hillshade (DTM_hill_HARV).

# import DTM
DTM_HARV <- raster("data/NEON-DS-Airborne-Remote-Sensing/HARV/DTM/HARV_dtmCrop.tif")
# import DTM hillshade
DTM_hill_HARV <- raster("data/NEON-DS-Airborne-Remote-Sensing/HARV/DTM/HARV_DTMhill_WGS84.tif")

# plot hillshade using a grayscale color ramp
    col = grey(1:100 / 100),
    legend = FALSE,
    main = "DTM Hillshade\n NEON Harvard Forest Field Site")

# overlay the DTM on top of the hillshade
     col = terrain.colors(10),
     alpha = 0.4,
     add = TRUE,
     legend = FALSE)

plot of chunk import-DTM-hillshade

Our results are curious - the Digital Terrain Model (DTM_HARV) did not plot on top of our hillshade. The hillshade plotted just fine on it’s own. Let’s try to plot the DTM on it’s own to make sure there are data there.

Code Tip: For boolean R elements, such as add = TRUE, you can use T and F in place of TRUE and FALSE.

# Plot DTM
     col = terrain.colors(10),
     alpha = 1,
     legend = FALSE,
     main = "Digital Terrain Model\n NEON Harvard Forest Field Site")

plot of chunk plot-DTM

Our DTM seems to contain data and plots just fine. Let’s next check the Coordinate Reference System (CRS) and compare it to our hillshade.

# view crs for DTM
CRS arguments:
 +proj=utm +zone=18 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +ellps=WGS84
# view crs for hillshade
CRS arguments:
 +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0 

Aha! DTM_HARV is in the UTM projection. DTM_hill_HARV is in Geographic WGS84 - which is represented by latitude and longitude values. Because the two rasters are in different CRSs, they don’t line up when plotted in R. We need to reproject DTM_hill_HARV into the UTM CRS. Alternatively, we could project DTM_HARV into WGS84.

Reproject Rasters

We can use the projectRaster function to reproject a raster into a new CRS. Keep in mind that reprojection only works when you first have a defined CRS for the raster object that you want to reproject. It cannot be used if no CRS is defined. Lucky for us, the DTM_hill_HARV has a defined CRS.

Data Tip

When we reproject a raster, we move it from one “grid” to another. Thus, we are modifying the data! Keep this in mind as we work with raster data.

To use the projectRaster function, we need to define two things:

  1. the object we want to reproject and
  2. the CRS that we want to reproject it to.

The syntax is projectRaster(RasterObject, crs = CRSToReprojectTo)

We want the CRS of our hillshade to match the DTM_HARV raster. We can thus assign the CRS of our DTM_HARV to our hillshade within the projectRaster() function as follows: crs = crs(DTM_HARV).

# reproject to UTM
DTM_hill_UTMZ18N_HARV <- projectRaster(DTM_hill_HARV,
                                       crs = crs(DTM_HARV))

# compare attributes of DTM_hill_UTMZ18N to DTM_hill
CRS arguments:
 +proj=utm +zone=18 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +ellps=WGS84
CRS arguments:
 +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0 
# compare attributes of DTM_hill_UTMZ18N to DTM_hill
class       : Extent 
xmin        : 731397.3 
xmax        : 733205.3 
ymin        : 4712403 
ymax        : 4713907 
class       : Extent 
xmin        : -72.18192 
xmax        : -72.16061 
ymin        : 42.52941 
ymax        : 42.54234 

Notice in the output above that the crs() of DTM_hill_UTMZ18N_HARV is now UTM. However, the extent values of DTM_hillUTMZ18N_HARV are different from DTM_hill_HARV.

Challenge: Extent Change with CRS Change

Why do you think the two extents differ?


# The extent for DTM_hill_UTMZ18N_HARV is in UTMs so the extent is in meters.
# The extent for DTM_hill_HARV is still in lat/long so the extent is expressed
# in decimal degrees.

Deal with Raster Resolution

Let’s next have a look at the resolution of our reprojected hillshade.

# compare resolution
[1] 1.000 0.998

The output resolution of DTM_hill_UTMZ18N_HARV is 1 x 0.998. Yet, we know that the resolution for the data should be 1m x 1m. We can tell R to force our newly reprojected raster to be 1m x 1m resolution by adding a line of code (res=).

# adjust the resolution
DTM_hill_UTMZ18N_HARV <- projectRaster(DTM_hill_HARV,
                                  crs = crs(DTM_HARV),
                                  res = 1)
# view resolution
[1] 1 1

Let’s plot our newly reprojected raster.

# plot newly reprojected hillshade
    col = grey(1:100/100),
    legend = FALSE,
    main = "DTM with Hillshade\n NEON Harvard Forest Field Site")

# overlay the DTM on top of the hillshade
     col = rainbow(100),
     alpha = 0.4,
     add = TRUE,
     legend = FALSE)

plot of chunk plot-projected-raster

We have now successfully draped the Digital Terrain Model on top of our hillshade to produce a nice looking, textured map!

Challenge: Reproject, then Plot a Digital Terrain Model

Create a map of the San Joaquin Experimental Range field site using the SJER_DSMhill_WGS84.tif and SJER_dsmCrop.tif files.

Reproject the data as necessary to make things line up!


# import DTM
DSM_SJER <- raster("data/NEON-DS-Airborne-Remote-Sensing/SJER/DSM/SJER_dsmCrop.tif")
# import DTM hillshade
DSM_hill_SJER_WGS <-

# reproject raster
DTM_hill_UTMZ18N_SJER <- projectRaster(DSM_hill_SJER_WGS,
                                  crs = crs(DSM_SJER),
                                  res = 1)
# plot hillshade using a grayscale color ramp
    col = grey(1:100/100),
    legend = FALSE,
    main = "DSM with Hillshade\n NEON SJER Field Site")

# overlay the DSM on top of the hillshade
     col = terrain.colors(10),
     alpha = 0.4,
     add = TRUE,
     legend = FALSE)

plot of chunk challenge-code-reprojection

If you completed the San Joaquin plotting challenge in the Plot Raster Data in R tutorial, how does the map you just created compare to that map? </div>

Key Points