Convert from .csv to a Shapefile in R
Joseph Stachelek, Leah A. Wasser, Megan A. Jones
Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 0 minQuestions
Be able to import .csv files containing x,y coordinate locations into
.Know how to convert a .csv to a spatial object.
Understand how to project coordinate locations provided in a Geographic Coordinate System (Latitude, Longitude) to a projected coordinate system (UTM).
Be able to plot raster and vector data in the same plot to create a map.
Things You’ll Need To Complete This Tutorial
R Skill Level: Intermediate - you’ve got the basics of
down. You will need the most current version ofR
and, preferably,RStudio
loaded on your computer to complete this tutorial.Install R Packages
- raster:
- More on Packages in R - Adapted from Software Carpentry.
Data to Download
This tutorial will review how to import spatial points stored in .csv
(Comma Separated Value) format into R
as an sf
spatial object. We will also reproject data imported from a shapefile format, export this data as a shapefile as well as plot raster and vector data as layers in the same plot.
Spatial Data in Text Format
The HARV_PlotLocations.csv
file contains x, y
(point) locations for study
plot where NEON collects data on
vegetation and other ecological metrics.
We would like to:
- Create a map of these plot locations.
- Export the data in a
format to share with our colleagues. This shapefile can be imported into any GIS software. - Create a map showing vegetation height with plot locations layered on top.
Spatial data are sometimes stored in a text file format (.txt
or .csv
). If
the text file has an associated x
and y
location column, then we can
convert it into an sf
spatial object. The sf
object allows us to store both the x,y
values that represent the coordinate location
of each point and the associated attribute data - or columns describing each
feature in the spatial object.
We will use the sf
and raster
libraries in this tutorial.
# load packages
library(sf) # for vector work;
Linking to GEOS 3.5.0, GDAL 2.2.2, proj.4 4.8.0
library(raster) # for raster metadata/attributes
Loading required package: sp
# set working directory to data folder
# setwd("pathToDirHere")
Import .csv
To begin let’s import .csv
file that contains plot coordinate x, y
locations at the NEON Harvard Forest Field Site (HARV_PlotLocations.csv
) in
. Note that we set stringsAsFactors=FALSE
so our data import as a
rather than a factor
# Read the .csv file
plot_locations_HARV <-
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# look at the data structure
'data.frame': 21 obs. of 16 variables:
$ easting : num 731405 731934 731754 731724 732125 ...
$ northing : num 4713456 4713415 4713115 4713595 4713846 ...
$ geodeticDa: chr "WGS84" "WGS84" "WGS84" "WGS84" ...
$ utmZone : chr "18N" "18N" "18N" "18N" ...
$ plotID : chr "HARV_015" "HARV_033" "HARV_034" "HARV_035" ...
$ stateProvi: chr "MA" "MA" "MA" "MA" ...
$ county : chr "Worcester" "Worcester" "Worcester" "Worcester" ...
$ domainName: chr "Northeast" "Northeast" "Northeast" "Northeast" ...
$ domainID : chr "D01" "D01" "D01" "D01" ...
$ siteID : chr "HARV" "HARV" "HARV" "HARV" ...
$ plotType : chr "distributed" "tower" "tower" "tower" ...
$ subtype : chr "basePlot" "basePlot" "basePlot" "basePlot" ...
$ plotSize : int 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 ...
$ elevation : num 332 342 348 334 353 ...
$ soilTypeOr: chr "Inceptisols" "Inceptisols" "Inceptisols" "Histosols" ...
$ plotdim_m : int 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 ...
Also note that plot_locations_HARV
is a data.frame
that contains 21 locations (rows) and 15 variables (attributes).
Next, let’s explore the data.frame
to determine whether it contains columns with coordinate values. If we are lucky, our .csv
will contain columns labeled:
- “X” and “Y” OR
- Latitude and Longitude OR
- easting and northing (UTM coordinates)
Let’s check out the column names
of our data.frame
# view column names
[1] "easting" "northing" "geodeticDa" "utmZone" "plotID"
[6] "stateProvi" "county" "domainName" "domainID" "siteID"
[11] "plotType" "subtype" "plotSize" "elevation" "soilTypeOr"
[16] "plotdim_m"
Identify X,Y Location Columns
View the column names, we can see that our data.frame
that contains several
fields that might contain spatial information. The plot_locations_HARV$easting
and plot_locations_HARV$northing
columns contain coordinate values.
# view first 6 rows of the X and Y columns
[1] 731405.3 731934.3 731754.3 731724.3 732125.3 731634.3
[1] 4713456 4713415 4713115 4713595 4713846 4713295
# note that you can also call the same two columns using their COLUMN NUMBER
# view first 6 rows of the X and Y columns
head(plot_locations_HARV[, 1])
[1] 731405.3 731934.3 731754.3 731724.3 732125.3 731634.3
head(plot_locations_HARV[, 2])
[1] 4713456 4713415 4713115 4713595 4713846 4713295
So, we have coordinate values in our data.frame
but in order to convert our
to an sf
object, we also need to know the CRS (projection)
associated with those coordinate values.
There are several ways to figure out the CRS of spatial data in text format.
- We can check the file metadata in hopes that the CRS was recorded in the data. For more information on metadata, check out the Why Metadata Are Important: How to Work with Metadata in Text & EML Format tutorial.
- We can explore the file itself to see if CRS information is embedded in the file header or somewhere in the data columns.
Following the easting
and northing
columns, there is a geodeticDa
and a
column. These appear to contain CRS information
and projection
). Let’s view those next.
# view first 6 rows of the X and Y columns
[1] "WGS84" "WGS84" "WGS84" "WGS84" "WGS84" "WGS84"
[1] "18N" "18N" "18N" "18N" "18N" "18N"
It is not typical to store CRS information in a column. But this particular
file contains CRS information this way. The geodeticDa
and utmZone
contain the information that helps us determine the CRS:
: WGS84 – this is geodetic datum WGS84utmZone
: 18
When Vector Data Don’t Line Up - Handling Spatial Projection & CRS in R
we learned about the components of a proj4
string. We have everything we need
to now assign a CRS to our data.frame.
To create the proj4
associated with UTM Zone 18 WGS84
we can look up the
projection on the
spatial reference website
which contains a list of CRS formats for each projection:
- This link shows the proj4 string for UTM Zone 18N WGS84.
However, if we have other data in the UTM Zone 18N
projection, it’s much
easier to simply assign the st_crs()
in proj4
format from that object to our
new spatial object. Let’s import the roads layer from Harvard forest and check
out its CRS.
# Import the line shapefile
lines_HARV <- st_read("data/NEON-DS-Site-Layout-Files/HARV/HARV_roads.shp")
Reading layer `HARV_roads' from data source `/home/travis/build/datacarpentry/r-raster-vector-geospatial/_episodes_rmd/data/NEON-DS-Site-Layout-Files/HARV/HARV_roads.shp' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
Simple feature collection with 13 features and 15 fields
geometry type: MULTILINESTRING
dimension: XY
bbox: xmin: 730741.2 ymin: 4711942 xmax: 733295.5 ymax: 4714260
epsg (SRID): 32618
proj4string: +proj=utm +zone=18 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs
# view CRS
Coordinate Reference System:
EPSG: 32618
proj4string: "+proj=utm +zone=18 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
# view extent
xmin ymin xmax ymax
730741.2 4711942.0 733295.5 4714260.0
Exploring the data above, we can see that the lines shapefile is in
UTM zone 18N
. We can thus use the CRS from that spatial object to convert our
non-spatial data.frame
into an sf
Next, let’s create a crs
object that we can use to define the CRS of our
object when we create it
# create crs object
utm18nCRS <- st_crs(lines_HARV)
Coordinate Reference System:
EPSG: 32618
proj4string: "+proj=utm +zone=18 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
[1] "crs"
.csv to sf object
Next, let’s convert our data.frame
into an sf
object. To do
this, we need to specify:
- The columns containing X (
) and Y (northing
) coordinate values - The CRS that the column coordinate represent (units are included in the CRS) - stored in our
We will use the st_as_sf()
function to perform the conversion.
# note that the easting and northing columns are in columns 1 and 2
plot_locations_sp_HARV <- st_as_sf(plot_locations_HARV, coords = c("easting", "northing"), crs = utm18nCRS)
# look at the CRS
Coordinate Reference System:
EPSG: 32618
proj4string: "+proj=utm +zone=18 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
Plot Spatial Object
We now have a spatial R
object, we can plot our newly created spatial object.
# plot spatial object
main = "Map of Plot Locations")
Define Plot Extent
Open and Plot Shapefiles in R
we learned about spatial object extent
. When we plot several spatial layers in
, the first layer that is plotted, becomes the extent of the plot. If we add
additional layers that are outside of that extent, then the data will not be
visible in our plot. It is thus useful to know how to set the spatial extent of
a plot using xlim
and ylim
Let’s first create an sf
object from the
shapefile. (If you have completed
Vector 00-02 tutorials in this
Introduction to Working with Vector Data in R
series, you can skip this code as you have already created this object.)
# create boundary object
aoi_boundary_HARV <- st_read("data/NEON-DS-Site-Layout-Files/HARV/HarClip_UTMZ18.shp")
Reading layer `HarClip_UTMZ18' from data source `/home/travis/build/datacarpentry/r-raster-vector-geospatial/_episodes_rmd/data/NEON-DS-Site-Layout-Files/HARV/HarClip_UTMZ18.shp' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 1 field
geometry type: POLYGON
dimension: XY
bbox: xmin: 732128 ymin: 4713209 xmax: 732251.1 ymax: 4713359
epsg (SRID): 32618
proj4string: +proj=utm +zone=18 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs
To begin, let’s plot our aoiBoundary
object with our vegetation plots.
# plot Boundary
main = "AOI Boundary\nNEON Harvard Forest Field Site")
# add plot locations
pch = 8, add = TRUE)
# no plots added, why? CRS?
# view CRS of each
Coordinate Reference System:
EPSG: 32618
proj4string: "+proj=utm +zone=18 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
Coordinate Reference System:
EPSG: 32618
proj4string: "+proj=utm +zone=18 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
When we attempt to plot the two layers together, we can see that the plot locations are not rendered. We can see that our data are in the same projection
- so what is going on?
# view extent of each
xmin ymin xmax ymax
732128.0 4713208.7 732251.1 4713359.2
xmin ymin xmax ymax
731405.3 4712845.0 732275.3 4713846.3
# add extra space to right of plot area;
# par(mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 8.1), xpd=TRUE)
col = "purple",
xlab = "easting",
ylab = "northing", lwd = 8,
main = "Extent Boundary of Plot Locations \nCompared to the AOI Spatial Object",
ylim = c(4712400, 4714000)) # extent the y axis to make room for the legend
add = TRUE,
lwd = 6,
col = "springgreen")
#inset = c(-0.5,0),
legend = c("Layer One Extent", "Layer Two Extent"),
bty = "n",
col = c("purple", "springgreen"),
cex = .8,
lty = c(1, 1),
lwd = 6)
The extents of our two objects are different. plot_locations_sp_HARV
much larger than aoi_boundary_HARV
. When we plot aoi_boundary_HARV
first, R
uses the extent of that object to as the plot extent. Thus the points in the
object are not rendered. To fix this, we can manually
assign the plot extent using xlims
and ylims
. We can grab the extent
values from the spatial object that has a larger extent. Let’s try it.
plotLoc.extent <- st_bbox(plot_locations_sp_HARV)
xmin ymin xmax ymax
731405.3 4712845.0 732275.3 4713846.3
# grab the x and y min and max values from the spatial plot locations layer
xmin <- plotLoc.extent[1]
xmax <- plotLoc.extent[3]
ymin <- plotLoc.extent[2]
ymax <- plotLoc.extent[4]
# adjust the plot extent using x and ylim
main = "NEON Harvard Forest Field Site\nModified Extent",
border = "darkgreen",
xlim = c(xmin, xmax),
ylim = c(ymin, ymax))
col = "purple",
add = TRUE)
# add a legend
legend = c("Plots", "AOI Boundary"),
pch = c(8, NA),
lty = c(NA, 1),
bty = "n",
col = c("purple", "darkgreen"),
cex = .8)
Challenge - Import & Plot Additional Points
We want to add two phenology plots to our existing map of vegetation plot locations.
Import the .csv:
and do the following:
- Find the X and Y coordinate locations. Which value is X and which value is Y?
- These data were collected in a geographic coordinate system (WGS84). Convert the
into ansf
object.- Plot the new points with the plot location points from above. Be sure to add a legend. Use a different symbol for the 2 new points! You may need to adjust the X and Y limits of your plot to ensure that both points are rendered by
!If you have extra time, feel free to add roads and other layers to your map!
HINT: Refer to When Vector Data Don’t Line Up - Handling Spatial Projection & CRS in R for more on working with geographic coordinate systems. You may want to “borrow” the projection from the objects used in that tutorial!
## 1 # Read the .csv file newplot_locations_HARV <- read.csv("data/NEON-DS-Site-Layout-Files/HARV/HARV_2NewPhenPlots.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # look at the data structure -> locations in lat/long str(newplot_locations_HARV) ## 2 ## Find/ establish a CRS for new points # Import the US boundary which is in a geographic WGS84 coordinate system country_boundary_US <- st_read("data/NEON-DS-Site-Layout-Files/US-Boundary-Layers/US-Boundary-Dissolved-States.shp") # grab the geographic CRS geogCRS <- st_crs(country_boundary_US) geogCRS ## Convert to spatial data frame # note that the easting and northing columns are in columns 1 and 2 newPlot.Sp.HARV <- st_as_sf(newplot_locations_HARV, coords = c("decimalLon", "decimalLat"), crs = geogCRS) # view CRS st_crs(newPlot.Sp.HARV) ## We now have the data imported and in WGS84 Lat/Long. We want to map with plot # locations in UTM so we'll have to reproject. # remember we have a UTM Zone 18N crs object from previous code utm18nCRS # reproject the new points into UTM using `utm18nCRS` newPlot.Sp.HARV.UTM <- st_transform(newPlot.Sp.HARV, utm18nCRS) # check new plot CRS st_crs(newPlot.Sp.HARV.UTM) ## 3 # create plot plot(plot_locations_sp_HARV$geometry, main = "NEON Harvard Forest Field Site \nPlot Locations" ) plot(newPlot.Sp.HARV.UTM$geometry, add = TRUE, pch=20, col = "darkgreen")
# oops - looks like we are missing a point on our new plot. let's compare # the spatial extents of both objects! st_bbox(plot_locations_sp_HARV) st_bbox(newPlot.Sp.HARV.UTM) # when you plot in base plot, if the extent isn't specified, then the data that # is added FIRST will define the extent of the plot plot(st_convex_hull(st_sfc(st_union(plot_locations_sp_HARV))), main = "Comparison of Spatial Object Extents\nPlot Locations vs New Plot Locations") plot(st_convex_hull(st_sfc(st_union(newPlot.Sp.HARV.UTM))), col = "darkgreen", add = TRUE)
# looks like the green box showing the newPlot extent extends # beyond the plot.locations extent. # We need to grab the x min and max and y min from our original plots # but then the ymax from our new plots originalPlotExtent <- st_bbox(plot_locations_sp_HARV) newPlotExtent <- st_bbox(newPlot.Sp.HARV.UTM) # set xmin and max xmin <- originalPlotExtent[1] xmax <- originalPlotExtent[3] ymin <- originalPlotExtent[2] ymax <- newPlotExtent[4] # 3 again... re-plot # try again but this time specify the x and ylims # note: we could also write a function that would harvest the smallest and # largest # x and y values from an extent object. This is beyond the scope of this tutorial. plot(plot_locations_sp_HARV$geometry, main = "NEON Harvard Forest Field Site\nVegetation & Phenology Plots", pch=8, col = "purple", xlim = c(xmin, xmax), ylim = c(ymin, ymax)) plot(newPlot.Sp.HARV.UTM$geometry, add = TRUE, pch=20, col = "darkgreen") # when we create a legend in R, we need to specify the text for each item # listed in the legend. legend("bottomright", legend = c("Vegetation Plots", "Phenology Plots"), pch = c(8, 20), bty = "n", col = c("purple", "darkgreen"), cex = 1.3)
Export a Shapefile
We can write an R
spatial object to a shapefile using the st_write
in sf
. To do this we need the following arguments:
- the name of the spatial object (
) - the directory where we want to save our shapefile
(to use
current = getwd()
or you can specify a different path) - the name of the new shapefile (
) - the driver which specifies the file format (ESRI Shapefile)
We can now export the spatial object as a shapefile.
# write a shapefile
"data/PlotLocations_HARV.shp", driver = "ESRI Shapefile")
Key Points
It is important to know the projection (if any) of your point data prior to converting to a spatial object.